How can businesses tailor sales pitches for different decision-makers in organizations?

I. Introduction

II. Step 1: Outline Your Buying Group

III. Step 2: Understand Each Persona

IV. Step 3: Customize Your Pitch

V. Reverse Engineering

VI. Overlay Your Sales Pitch

This outline provides a clear structure for creating actionable strategies to tailor sales pitches effectively in a multi-decision-maker environment.

How can businesses tailor sales pitches for different decision-makers in organizations?

0:00 How can businesses tailor sales pitches for different decision-makers in organizations? First thing you need to do is to outline the organization's decision-makers. 

0:15 So step one in tailoring your sales pitches is to outline your buying group. And your buying group will include your evangelist, your ambassador, whatever you'd like to column, the decision makers, and then the decision makers and the evangelist hierarchy, and across the organization in the case that 

0:37 there's multiple, you need to be able to understand that that group first. Once you've understood that group, you need to dig into each persona in your buying group and understand their process for hearing and receiving what you're trying to sell. 

0:58 And you're personas, journeys, your pitch. Your pitch will show up to them by your pitch will show up to them differently because they are having different experiences looking for different data points, looking for different stories from you. 

1:18 And all of a sudden, you take your sales pitch and whatever value prop that you're trying to pitch, you take that and you lay it across these personas and their journeys, their decision-making journeys. 

1:32 So that's what you're doing. You work from the end and you reverse engineer their experiences from what does the buying group look like, who are those personas, to their decision-making processes and their experiences that they need to hear from you. 

1:49 And then you overlay your sales pitch to meet that experience for those people. So that's how I would go about tailoring your sales pitches for different decision-makers inside an organization.

We can not control the winds, we can only adjust our sails.

-Grant Carlile